Create or Copy a new Google Drive folder and all its contents to a new Google Drive folder location
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Function Type: Record Processing Functions -
Google Functions
In this article
General Function Configuration
- Click Create New Function ✔
- Choose your Function
- Click Add Configuration
- Set up your
Common Function Configurations - Source Connection, Source Configuration, and Trigger Mode
- Set up your Function Configuration
Function Configuration
Google Connection (Required) - Select a Google Connection to use
Source Folder Mode (Required) - Select source to use for creating new folders
Create Blank Folder (Default) - Create a new blank folder in Google Drive
Make & Use Copy of a Single Template - Copy files from a single existing folder into a newly created folder - this is used to copy the same set of files for all records you have set up in your Common Function Configuration
You need to open the template folder containing your template files, hold the CTRL button on your keyboard, and choose each file you want to be copied each time into the new folder. Google doesn't allow you to choose the entire folder, so choosing each file will ensure it's copied into the new folder
Make & Use Copy of Dynamic Templates - Copy files from an existing folder into a new folder based on a unique identifier in your Airtable base data (example: Single-select option) This is useful for choosing and creating different folders and files depending on your specific identifier.
Use Existing Airtable Record Field Value - Use a field in Airtable to use to store your source folder URL
Existing Source Field (Required for Existing Airtable Record Source Folder Mode) - Choose your Airtable URL field
Source Folder (Required for Single Template) - Choose your Source Files to copy and create when the Function processes Must be signed into your Google account
Dynamic Field for Matching Source Folders (Required for Dynamic Templates) - Select a field to be used as a unique identifier. Once configured, this field will determine which files to copy to your new folder
- *Match Value **- This is the unique identifier option you have listed in Airtable. Type each one exactly as seen in your Airtable field options. Example: If your Client Type single-select field contains Easy, Medium, and Hard, you will have 3 Match Values - Easy, Medium, and Hard.
Select Match Source File - For each Match Value, you will choose the files you want to copy to a new folder. You can click Remove if you need to remove the selection
Default Source Files - You can set files to be copied and created as a default for any values/unique identifiers not listed in Match Values. If you don't choose any files in this options, no file will be copied and created if no match values are found.
Destination Folder Mode (Required) - Select where to save newly created files
Save All Files in Single Parent Folder - Save all files and folders in a single root folder
Dynamically Save Files into Different Folders - Save files into different folders BASED ON A UNIQUE IDENTIFIER (example: Single-select option)
Destination Folder URL already stored in a Record Field - The destination folder URL is stored in Airtable field already
Dynamically Save to Folder Name With Field Value - Will auto create folders within the selected parent folder based on the value of a field. Great for dynamic folder creation for large number of values.
Destination Folder (Required) - Select the destination folder for created files
New Folder Title - Create the title for the new file. Use {{FIELDNAME}} placeholders to dynamically insert values from the record. Example: Use the name of the Client listed in your Airtable base as the new folder title. If your field name in Airtable is Name, enter {{Name}}If left blank, will use the record name
Folder URL Storage Field (Optional) - Select URL or Single Line Text Field to store the Google Folder URL for the newly created folder If left blank, then output file will be deleted upon completion of function call (unless exporting as a URL)
If Airtable Field Value Exists If the URL Storage Field already has a value in it (the folder already exists) you can choose what to do with it.
Finish/Do Nothing - This will ensure no changes or updates are made to the URL Storage Field and will leave it as-is
Create New Folder and Keep Old - A new folder will be created with any selected source files. Previous folder created will remain in Google Drive
Replace with New Folder and Delete Old - A new folder will be created with any selected source files. Previous folder and its files will be DELETED in Google Drive.
Refresh NEW Source Files - Use the existing folder and ignore any source files already there (based on name). Only new files will be created.
Refresh ALL Existing Source Files - Use the existing folder and update all files with same names with the new corresponding source files. Additionally, any new files will be added.
If Folder with Same Name Exists Select how to handle if the a folder with the same name already exists in Google Drive.
Perform Name Check - Perform a check to verify if a name exists and treat similar to Airtable Field Value Existing
- Next, choose any Advanced Settings you need
Dynamic Source Match Mode - Determines how to compare match values to determine dynamic source Exact Match (Not Case Sensitive) - Match values are exactly matched Partial Match (Not Case Sensitive) - Match values are partially matched
Last Updated - Choose a date field to update each time your Function runs
- Click Save Action Function Details
Test Your Function
- Next,
Test Your Function ✔
Before using your Function, you must test it.
Install Your Function
- Then,
Install Your Function in Your Base ✔ via a Schedule (recommended), a Zapier zap, an Airtable Automation, a Script in the Scripting app, or directly via REST API.
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