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Test Your Function

Test Your Function

Before you use your Function, it must be tested

🔴 On2Air Actions has been shutdown to focus on our On2Air Backups Airtable app Learn more about automated Airtable backups -

  • Choose Test Function

This is required before you can enable a project

  • Select the API Key you want to use Example: Zapier You can manage API Keys in Settings
  • Click Start Test

Configuration Settings

This will display different options depending on the Trigger Mode you chose

If you're using Record ID as your Trigger Mode

  • Enter a Record ID or multiple Record IDs (separate by a comma - 5 max)

How to see Record IDs in your Airtable base

  • Then, move to the Test Function step

If you chose Checkbox, Field Updated, Date, Formula, or Last Modified

  • Click Test Function and it will perform the function
  • You will then see the Function Results

It will list out each record and tell you whether it updated or not or if there was an error

if Update is YES, the function is successful.

You can visit the table to make any changes needed

  • After testing is complete, choose Configuration in the function menu and Enable your function

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