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Common Function Configurations
Common Function Configurations

Common Function Configurations

To use any function, you need to first configure your Common Function settings - Source Connection, Source Configuration, and Trigger Mode settings.

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Set up the Common Configuration

  • Once you've set up the common function configuration, you will then set up the Individual Configuration for the Function you need.

See a list of All Functions AvailableAll Functions Available

Common Function Configuration Video Overview

In the Configuration tab

  • Click Add Configuration

Source Connection

  • Select your Airtable Connection - Choose the Airtable account you want to use

Source Configuration

  • Select Your Base - Choose your desired base
  • Select Your Table - Choose your table
  • Select Your View - Choose your view (Optional) Default is all views

Trigger Mode

Trigger Mode Options

Trigger Mode - The mode type for the field in your base being used for functions. Determines how your function starts and processes

**Options** * Checkbox * Field Updated * Date * Formula * Last Modified Time * Record IDs * All View Records


Modes Available

MODE: Checkbox

  • A checkbox field monitored to initiate the function

Mode Configuration (Checkbox)

Checkbox Field - The Airtable checkbox field you want to monitor

Trigger On - Determines if the trigger is initiated when the checkbox field is Checked or Unchecked

MODE: Field Updated

  • A specific field monitored for changes in order to update and sync data to a second field

Mode Configuration (Field Updated)

Updated Field - The field being monitored to initiate the function * This can be any Airtable field type * If using a Multi-Line Text field, the Comparison Field must also be a Multi-Line Text Field * Currently, cannot be a Rich-Text formatted field (Airtable bug)

Comparison Field - The field being updated/changed once the function is processed * Must be an Airtable text field type * If using a Multi-Line Text field in the Updated Field, the Comparison Field must also be Multi-Line Text

MODE: Date

  • The specific Date field being monitored for changes in order to update and sync the date to a second Date field type or Text field type
  • Also works with Formula fields - Be sure your formula contains valid date formatting
  • Triggers once the date and time specified has passed
  • Ex: If Date is 8/15/20 11:30AM, it will process AFTER 11:30AM has passed on 8/15/20, even though the fields are out of sync because you changed the date

Mode Configuration (Date)

  • Date Field - The Date field being monitored to initiate the trigger Must be an Airtable Date field type
  • Comparison Field - The Date field type or Text field type being updated/changed once the trigger is processed Must be an Airtable Date field type or a Text field type

MODE: Formula (Advanced)

  • Create your own custom formula to initiate a trigger

Mode Configuration (Formula)

  • Formula - Add your own custom formula

MODE: Last Modified

  • A specific Last Modified field in your table

Mode Configuration (Last Modified)

Last Modified - The Last Modified Time Field in your table you want to monitor and use for updates/changes

Buffer - The amount of time between when the Last Modified Time field changes and when the trigger begins Useful when typing in a text field and Airtable automatically saves your text which changes the last modified field. The buffer time prevents the trigger from running too quickly.Options * No Buffer * 5 Minutes * 10 Minutes * 30 Minutes * 1 Hour

MODE: Record IDs

  • Record ID can be used if you want to use a script from a button click. Y

You will submit your Record IDs in Installation and any record IDs will be pulled in.

This mode is only seen in Base Management Functions

MODE: All View Records

  • All Records in the View specified will be processed every call. Use with caution to avoid unnecessary function calls.

Once you've set up the Common Function Configuration,

Test Your Function

Before using your Function, you must test it.

Install Your Function

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