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How to Search Records

How to Search Records

The On2Air Search function provides powerful and advanced filters to search records in your Airtable base. You can customize what field is searched and how you want the search displayed.

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Search Menu

  • Click the Search icon from the Amplify menu

You can start typing in any data you want to find. The first 5 fields and every value in the first 5 fields will be searched automatically. You can edit your search criteria to search other fields by choosing Configure > Configure Search


'quad' will show the record Quadzoom 'won' will show any record with Won '28' will find any record with 28

Configure Display

This allows you to choose how your search is displayed

  • Select Configure
  • Choose Configure Display

Configure Display

Primary Display Field - Choose the field you want to be your Primary field displayed in the search results

Secondary Display Field - Choose the field you want to be your Secondary field displayed in the search results

  • *Image Display Field **- Choose the Image field you want to be displayed in the search results

Page Size - Displays how many results are shown per page

  • Displayed in increments of 5

Default Fields to Display - Choose how many fields you want displayed in your search results

Save Settings

Choose how you want to save the Search settings

For all Your Current Table table layouts - Save search settings for any layout related to the Table you are currently in

For the current layout - Save search settings for the current layout, no matter who has access

For personal - Save search settings for your personal Airtable login only

For the current session only (Default) - Save search settings for the current Airtable session only - if you refresh your page, log out, or time out, your settings will revert to the default

Configure Search

This allows you to choose specific fields you want to search instead of all fields.

  • Select Configure
  • Choose Configure Search

Search Fields - Choose a specific field or fields you want to be included for your search results

Ex: If you only want to search the Company Name field, you can choose Company Name

Sort Field - Choose how your search results are sorted by choosing a field

Sort Order - Choose if you want your results sorted by Ascending or Descending

Save Settings

Choose how you want to save the Search settings

For all Your Current Table table layouts - Save search settings for any layout related to the Table you are currently in

For the current layout - Save search settings for the current layout, no matter who has access

For personal - Save search settings for your personal Airtable login only

For the current session only (Default) - Save search settings for the current Airtable session only - if you refresh your page, log out, or time out, your settings will revert to the default